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Hand2Note 4 Professional Usage
Hand2Note 4
Getting Started (8:31)
What HUD/Popups to use? (11:36)
Visual Hand Representation (7:32)
Reports (19:20)
Sessions (5:27)
Statistics Dashboard (5:55)
Aliases (5:27)
Hand Marking (5:08)
Stats Editor. Creating stats (52:54)
HUD and Popup Editors. Building your own HUD (33:59)
HUD Settings (17:05)
Game Types and Reg-Fish Settings (16:35)
Stat Appearance Settings (16:25)
Note Taking System (12:47)
Managing Multiple Databases (4:26)
Bet Sizing Categories (17:14)
Postflop Histogram and Boards Configuration (25:17)
Mass Data Analysis (Pool Research) (35:27)
A Few Hand2Note Instances on 1 Device (5:39)
Exporting and Importing Configuration (1:55)
Database Backup (2:24)
Stat Appearance Settings
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